I like to think of myself as more of a service provider and keep away from the so-called artist concept and ego. I started early at 18 on the Communications and Marketing degree although I left it with a pair of credits to finish. After I pursuit a Musician career which worked out for 2 years and after I got back to Design and communication studies. After a Musical and Production 1 year course I tried a 1-year Graphic Design course in Lisbon where I learned Adobe tools, Illustrator, Photoshop, and In-Design.
Then I flew to New York and specialized in Typography, Graphic design, and programming courses at the School of Visual Arts. Around 2010 I started doing multiple freelance jobs for a variety of companies, some of these works I loved and some not so much but in the end, getting the customer happy is my goal. For the present moment, I keep pursuing Design projects as well as writing novels/poems and music.